- Monday to Friday: 8:00h - 20:00h
- Saturday: 8:00h - 12:00h
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Si necessites anar al fisio, aquest és el millor que podries escollir. En Sergi és un gran professional, sap que necessites en cada moment i respecta els temps de cada persona. A més, et sentiras còmode en tot moment per l’ambient tranquil i acollidor que es respira, i anar al fisio es converteix en un moment agradable. Tots són maquíssims, en Sergi, la Marina, la Rita… Ho recomano 100% Com a persona que ha estat molt de temps anant a fisioterapeutes, aquest és el millor de tots. Gràcies per tot! Si en cap moment torno a tenir qualsevol cosa, aquesta serà la meva primera opció sense dubte
En Sergi és un gran professional,molt capacitat i amb una atenció personalitzada en totes les vessants d'abordatge amb al pacient. Al haver estat i ser molt bon esportista coneix perfectament totes aquelles lesions derivades del món de l'esport i com el fisioterapeuta les pot rehabilitar per tornar a competir i reemprendre la seva pràctica. De totes totes us recomano la consulta de fisioteràpia Sergi Ventura
¡Un gran profesional! No dudare en acudir a su centro siempre que necesite un fisioterapia, excelente trato y tratamientos de 10.
Recomendado totalmente. Te escucha, te asesora y te explica con gran detalle que pasa y como mejorar. Además se preocupa de saber como evolucionas. Sin duda volveré cuando lo requiera!
Porto ja vàries sessions amb el Sergi, molt bon professional i el tracte rebut de 10! Els meus fills s'han visitat amb el Joel, un altre gran professional que a més fa que se sentin còmodes en tot moment. Gràcies als dos! ☺️
Trato fantástico. Sergi y su equipo son grandes profesionales. En mi caso, estoy en manos de Marina y desde el primer momento he notado su profesionalidad, amabilidad y entrega en su trabajo. Sin duda, un lugar donde repetir cada vez que lo necesite.
Se siente la excelente calidad en su trabajo. Muy profesional y un trato sumamente agradable. Una gran ayuda con sus masajes de descarga o las sesiones de neuro-modulación para el rendimiento deportivo.
Fui por dolor de lumbares y esguince cervical y me va de maravilla. Muy profesional y muy buen trato. Lo recomiendo 100%
Sergi y su equipo son excelentes profesionales. Tengo una hernia discal y un disco gastado y he confiado en él desde que abrió la consulta y siempre es ponerse en las mejores manos. Tanto para tratar este problema como otros de posición de la espalda o carga muscular siempre he obtenido la mejor de las respuestas. ¡Excelente profesional y gran persona!
El meu marit i jo som pacients d.en Sergi des de fa gairebé cinc anys. Hi anem cada mes a fer sessions d.Indiba que ens ajuden moltíssim. La veritat en Sergi és un gran professional que sap molt bé com tractar qualsevol dolència que tinguis. Li desitgem molta sort en el seu nou local.
Recomiendo este centro al 100%. Sergi es un gran profesional, desde el principio acertó con mi dolencia . Sin dudarlo acudiré a su centro siempre que lo necesite.
Me alegro mucho de haber conocido a Sergi, no puedo estar más contenta después de las sesiones con el, es muy buen fisio y también un buen amigo, muy paciente con la gente y muy amable. Gracias Sergi!
Genial…. Muy buen profesional y trato excelente.. pero sobre todo me ayuda muy favorablemente a mi problema de salud ( espondilitis anquilosante)me está ayudando mucho.. Y cada vez que puedo acudo a él y mejoro bastante.. Muy muy recomendable..
Buen profesional, enseguida localizo la zona que tenia mal y estoy estupendo ahora
Gran profesional al que acudiré siempre que lo necesite sin dudarlo y que recomiendo encarecidamente.
Solo daré Gracias y Gracias por haber dado con Sergi y su centro de fisio. Después de dos años arrastrando un problemón en el hombro, y tras haberme visitado ya con tres fisios diferentes sin que mejorara prácticamente nada, Sergi supo exactamente dónde estaba el problema y como tratarlo. Ahora he podido volver a mi rutina deportiva sin miedo a volverme a lesionar puesto que estoy completamente curado. Lo recomendaré siempre.
Gran professional.
Recomiendo muchísimo este centro. El chico es súper amable y te explica todo muy bien. El centro super limpio y bien equipado. Sin duda se lo recomendaré a cualquier persona que necesite un fisioterapeuta. Y además el precio no me ha parecido nada caro. No le doy más estrellas porque no hay.
Excelente profesional. Un trato exquisito.
Gran professional! 100% recomanable
Llevo ya varios meses tratando una lesión y tensión muscular de entrenamiento con Sergi y estoy encantado. La inflamación me ha ido bajando con cada sesión y la punción Seca la recomiendo muchísimo. En la última sesión vino mi pareja y le ayudo a descargar tensión en la zona lumbar y del centro de la espalda, ya tiene un cliente fijo más.
Molt bon servei, super atent i efectiu.
En Sergi és molt pacient i atent amb la gent gran. Porto a la meva mare de 87 anys i està molt contenta amb el tracte i els resultats, ara té més mobilitat a les articulacions que abans de començar. I per part meva, que també em visito, ara puc girar el coll sense problemes.
Entre que no podía girar gira el cuello, en pocas sesiones el dolor ha desaparecido y me desemblanto con normalidad. gran profesional.
Molt bé, un gran professional.
A health discipline that possesses a diversity of professional fields. The objective of this branch is to achieve beauty, health, and well-being.
Through the use of manual therapy and the use of specialized equipment, it is responsible for correcting imperfections and skin problems that arise as a result of aging, after various surgical procedures, or due to sequelae affecting the integumentary tissue.
We provide our patients with an improvement in self-esteem and health through facial and body treatments following INDIBA® protocols.
Patients come to the consultation due to cervical, back, lumbar, or dorsal pain, which is usually caused by poor postural habits, a sedentary lifestyle, lack of exercise… Cervical pain can be caused by stress, age-related degenerative processes…
This painful sensation can become chronic if proper treatment and prevention are not carried out.
The most common back pains would be lumbar pain, dorsalgia, scoliosis, degenerative lesions, herniated discs…
Ultrasound is a non-invasive imaging diagnostic method. Through the emission of ultrasound waves, it allows us to obtain real-time images. It helps to evaluate different alterations in tissues (nerves, ligaments, muscles, tendons…). It is a quick method, with no side effects, safe and painless, which allows us to rule out or detect possible injuries.
When is it advisable to perform an ultrasound?
- Bursitis (trochanteric, hip, shoulder…)
- Muscle tears
- Tendinosis or tendinopathies
- Sprains
- Calcifications.
It is a specialty of physiotherapy that addresses the sequelae of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, oncological treatments… with the aim of improving the quality of life of the patient throughout the process or after oncological treatment.
The sessions are adapted and oriented to the patient according to their needs with the goal of recovering the elasticity and mobility of the affected tissues (scars, muscular and joint problems, pain, sensitivity, fatigue, etc.).
Recommended and fundamental for oncological patients who, after surgery or surgical treatments, have affected lymph nodes or suffer from side effects derived from the disease itself.
When is it recommended to have physiotherapy sessions?
We offer home service to patients who have mobility difficulties in getting to the center. Home physiotherapy will make treatments more effective due to personalization and the familiar environment.
The benefits of home physiotherapy include:
We offer home service in the Granollers area. Contact us for more information.
During neurological physiotherapy sessions, different techniques are used with the aim of treating the sequelae of injuries to the central or peripheral nervous system. Thanks to physiotherapy sessions, physical capacities and other structural and sensory alterations will be improved in order to rehabilitate both the capacity and effectiveness of the patient's movements. When there is a pathology in the nervous system, a period of time is needed until new connections are formed; therefore, it is very important to stimulate and perform different exercises with the goal of recovering lost movements. It is a therapy carried out to improve the altered functions of the patient, such as posture, mobility, or balance.
When is it recommended to carry out neurological physiotherapy sessions?
It is one of the specialties of physiotherapy that focuses on the rehabilitation, prevention, and care of athletes to carry out their physical activity in a safe manner. The objectives are as follows: Adapt the body to training, shorten recovery time, prevent injuries...
There are many techniques that can be applied to patients who practice sports, but these will be decided and depend on the type of injury, needs or severity. The most common ones are:
This pathology affects 25%-50% of the population. It impacts the muscles and the lower mandibular branch that connects to the skull. This disorder is not solely due to structural mechanical stimuli, but is also caused by physical stress on the structures surrounding the joint. These structures include: the cartilage disc in the joint, jaw muscles, facial and neck muscles, ligaments, nearby blood vessels, nerves and teeth. However, the causes of this disorder are 100% unknown.
Some of them include:
These are physiotherapy treatments that focus on musculoskeletal injuries (bones and ligaments). Traumatological physiotherapy also addresses orthopedic or sports-related injuries in addition to improving mobility.
What are its benefits?
- Reduction of joint stiffnes
- Relief of pain
- Significant increase in strength
- Improvement in patient autonomy
- Recovery of functionality and mobility
Aims to improve mobility and joint stiffness in people suffering from osteoarthritis, Mobility and health during old age become an essential goal, as our autonomy largely depends on them.
For this group, the benefit of undergoing physiotherapy is primarily to improve their mobility and daily autonomy, allowing them to perform essential actions while maintaining their independence in basic activities.
Additionally, we will help reduce their joint and muscle pain, improve balance and coordination, and thus prevent falls.
The most common injuries and conditions for older adults include:
his type of physiotherapy is a way to help the patient disconnect and relax if they are going through a period of stress. It is performed using a softer, fluid, and rhythmic style that will help the patient relieve muscle tension, improve circulation, and relax both the body and the mind. The nervous system will be stimulated, leading to the release of endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, among other chemical substances that improve mood and increase the feeling of well-being.
Some of the benefits include: Physical and emotional relaxation, decrease in pain, decrease in stress, decrease in muscle tension...
When is it recommended to have a session? It is advisable for everyone, and the following should be taken into account:
Any small discomfort that does not go away with rest and ice can turn into an injury. This discomfort can lead to the withdrawal from a sports practice or affect another joint or muscle group.
For this reason, physiotherapy plays a very important role; a monthly session or a release massage can help athletes or patients who want to prevent any bad gesture or movement due to physical activity or during their daily life.
The objective of this branch of physiotherapy is to communicate, advise, anticipate, and modify certain aspects or habits that the patient is not performing correctly and that may lead to an injury.
Monopolar radiofrequency waves at 448 kHz that provide the body with oxygen and nutrient supply. Indiba stimulates stem cells, accelerates fibroblast production, and provides precise power to enhance natural repair.
This CT8 model offers precise and highly effective treatments that guarantee:
Shockwave therapy is known as an acoustic wave that we direct to the painful points of the musculoskeletal tissue of the patient (muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons…) in chronic, subchronic, and subacute processes.
Regenerate, and promote the reparative process of the affected soft tissues, bones, or tendons. The benefits of shockwaves include the restoration of mobility and rapid pain relief. It is a quick, safe, and simple treatment without medication or anesthesia and without side effects. Effective with only 3 to 5 sessions.
When is it advisable to undergo treatment?
Radiofrequency waves that benefit the body by providing oxygen and nutrients. The application of Indiba consists of physiological activation and cellular stimulation to accelerate the natural repair mechanisms of the affected tissue. Its goal is to reduce inflammation, pain, and accelerate healing processes.
The benefits of this therapy are numerous; we can highlight: improvement of tissue elasticity, venous and lymphatic absorption, reduction of pain and/or inflammation, tissue regeneration, acceleration of healing, facilitation of mobilization, increase in cellular metabolism, and reconstruction of tissue.
When is it advisable to have an Indiba session?
We use it to modulate the neural circuits that are dysfunctional with the aim of modifying their functioning through dry needling and an electrotherapy device. It is an invasive technique that is very useful for improving pain and neuro-musculoskeletal dysfunctions in acute or chronic phases. A low-intensity current is applied near the peripheral nervous system to increase or decrease the stimulation of a group of neurons. Its goal is to reduce pain and improve neuromuscular function.
When is it advisable to undergo neuromodulation treatment?
There are different manual techniques and a wide variety of musculoskeletal injuries that can be addressed through this approach to promote well-being and recovery. Manual therapy involves the use of the therapist's hands to treat, assess, and diagnose the patient's problems. Some of the most common techniques used include:
Among the benefits of manual therapy, we find pain relief, accelerated recovery, prevention of new injuries, and overall well-being.
This technique belongs to traditional Chinese medicine. It consists of applying a cupping glass to the patient's skin, which creates a vacuum effect with the aim of improving vascularization. It is applied directly to the skin and left in place for approximately 10-15 minutes, the necessary time to provoke local hyperemia (bruising effect).
The benefits of cupping therapy include: analgesic effect (pain reduction), myofascial release, and activation and stimulation of blood and lymphatic circulation.
When is the use of cupping recommended?
Technique that helps us treat myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) caused by myofascial trigger points. Through this technique, we will treat these trigger points that cause pain and decrease motor function.
Some of the benefits of dry needling are: local hemorrhage, producing a small bleed that will help reabsorb and eliminate harmful substances that activate pain; local spasm response, destroying affected fibers that cause pain; immediate improvement of pain in the days following treatment; access to tissues that are more complex to address manually; total tissue regeneration without scarring in 48-72 hours.
When is it advisable to undergo dry needling treatment?
This technique belongs to traditional Chinese medicine. It consists of applying a cupping glass to the patient's skin, which will create a vacuum effect with the aim of improving vascularization. It is applied directly to the skin and left in place for approximately 10-15 minutes, the necessary time to provoke local hyperemia (bruising effect).
The benefits of cupping therapy include: analgesic effect (pain reduction), myofascial release, activation and stimulation of blood and lymphatic circulation.
When is the use of cupping recommended?
t consists of applying heat to the patient's body for therapeutic purposes. A temperature higher than the physiological temperature of the body (36.5°C - 37.2°C) should be applied.
The thermal sensitivity of the patient must be taken into account; the heat we apply should be intense but always pleasant during its application. Some of the benefits of thermotherapy include: Vasodilatory effect, which promotes tissue nutrition and cellular oxygenation, decrease in blood pressure caused by vasodilation, muscle relaxation, reduction of inflammation, increase in respiratory rate (tachypnea), stimulation of the immune system and promotion of tissue repair processes.
When is thermotherapy recommended?
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